Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Dropping at COP28 December 9 – Media Advisory

Just passed the halfway point at the UN climate talks in Dubai, and negotiations are heating up. Today's media advisory covers upcoming press conferences, actions, and the COP28 Coalition march for climate justice and human rights.

Countries make joint statement on shifting fossil fuel subsidies towards renewable energy at COP28

"Today’s announcement from the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Canada and many of their peers is a disappointment. At a time when we need rich country leaders to concretely expand their past ambition to secure a fair deal, these ministers are just regurgitating promises and initiatives that are now more than a decade old and have been so ineffective that fossil fuel handouts and profits continue to reach record levels."

Dropping at COP28 December 8 – Media Advisory

As we enter week 2 of the UN climate talks in Dubai, today's media advisory covers upcoming press conferences, actions, a new letter calling on the Biden administration to abandon support for LNG, and more.

PRESS ADVISORY: Global Community Groups Speak Out at COP28 to Oppose LNG

On Friday, December 8, an international coalition of organizations and community leaders, including the Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development Philippines, Center for Biological Diversity, Climate Action Network Canada, Earthworks, Oil Change International, Solutions For Our Climate, and others will gather for a creative action and speak-out on the need to end approvals and finance for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) projects, extraction, export, and import.

Reaction: “Open Letter: The Transformation is Unstoppable”

“This letter adds to the unprecedented global momentum for a full, fast, fair, and funded fossil fuel phaseout. People from around the world are joining over 100 countries that have now called for an end to oil, gas, and coal," said Elizabeth Bast.

Reaction to the latest GST draft at COP28

The latest GST text shows we have never been closer to an agreement on a fossil fuel phaseout. But, what that transition will look like will be a fierce battle over the next few days. We are alarmed about some of the options in this text that seem to carve out large loopholes for the fossil fuel industry.

COP28 Media Advisory – Day 6

Welcome to Energy Day aka Fossil Fuel Phaseout Day. Today is packed with new data, press conferences, expected new announcements, actions and more - all with the same goal: a full, fast, fair, and funded phase out of fossil fuels.