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Viking Protestors Descend on the British Museum

Many visitors to the iconic British Museum in London got more than they bargained for on Sunday, when hundreds of protestors descended on the Museum to protest against BP's sponsorship of a major exhibition on Vikings.

New Report Outlines the Rise of Crude-by-Rail in North America

Today Oil Change International released the first major exposé of the burgeoning crude-by-rail industry in North America, detailing where crude trains are being loaded and unloaded, how many oil trains are crossing the North American continent, and what companies are...

Pipelines vs. Rail: A False Choice

As we release our North American crude-by-rail online map and report, it is worth taking a look at one of the most repeated false claims that the oil industry and its supporters make about crude-by-rail. A major talking point for...

Crude by Rail Spills Increased 10 Times from 2008-2013

An analysis of oil spilled in the transportation process by Oil Change International using data from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Office reveals that the number of spills from crude by rail increased by almost 10 times from...

Europe Eyes American Shale Gas

In the diplomatic fallout from the crisis in Crimea, European leaders are said to be scrambling to reduce their dependence on Russian gas. You cannot negotiate with Putin if he holds all the aces.

Response to Senate Energy Committee Hearing on Crude Export Ban

Lifting the crude oil export ban is an idea only the oil companies and their paid Representatives in Washington could love. Exporting US crude oil will immediately raise the price of oil in North America, raise profits for Big Oil,...

Crude Oil Export Ban: What You Need to Know

As the Chamber of Commerce releases their energy "policy" today and renews their call to overturn the crude oil export ban, here is what you need to know about the consequences of doing so, and Big Oil's motivations in advocating...