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Toxic and Tax Exempt

Toxic and tax exempt: How tar sands spills from Michigan to Arkansas cost us all. As the Obama Administration continues to ponder a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline, TransCanada has been assuring everyone of it’s safety. “Safety of the...

Two Spills in Two Days

In the raging Keystone XL debate in the US, there is an ongoing discussion as to whether it is better and safer to transport oil by rail or road. The State Department has argued that if the KXL pipeline does...

New Amazon Oil Threat

On the same day that Peru declares a State of Emergency over oil pollution in the Amazon, the Ecuadorians offer 3 million hectares of pristine forest to the Chinese to explore for oil.

BP sued “for hiding truth” over Deepwater

BP’s disastrous Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico refuses to go away. The Daily Telegraph in the UK is reporting that BP is being sued for tens of millions of dollars in America US by institutional investors. The...

The unethical reality of tar sands oil and the Keystone XL pipeline

Recently, the Speaker of the Nebraska Legislature, Mike Flood, spoke with the York News-Times about his views on the Keystone XL pipeline, which, as proposed, would run through environmentally sensitive parts of Nebraska. Amidst expressing lukewarm concern about the pipeline’s safety,...