
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

100% Renewable Energy Bill – A first foot forward

Today, Sens. Merkley (D-OR) and Sanders (I-VT) launched a bill that takes a huge step toward aligning government policy with what climate science tells us is necessary – a transition to a 100% carbon-free economy, as soon as possible.

Shareholders criticise Exxon for “putting itself and its investors at risk” over climate

The oil giant may have its man of choice in the White House and its old boss as Secretary of State, but Exxon is once again coming under pressure over its stance on climate change.

As Britain Celebrates Coal-Free Day, Solar Could Soon Shine in US Coal Country

April 21 2017, will go down as a significant day in the dying days of the fossil fuel era. For the first time since the renewable revolution in 1882, Britain went a full day without using dirty coal to generate electricity.

Join the March for Science this Saturday

This Saturday, on Earth Day, there will be a March to stand up for science in the face of the most anti-science US Administration ever. A March to stand up for facts in the Trump post-factual era. To highlight issues such as climate change with a climate denier in the White House. To stand up for scientific free speech, in a dangerous era of political censorship. The message is simple: “Science, not Silence.”

Climate Change Causes “River Piracy” in Canada

New research published yesterday in the journal, Nature Geoscience, outlines the first documented case in modern times of what is being called “river piracy”, in which one huge river suddenly flows into another.

Not News: Politicians Take Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars from Pipeline Companies, Sign Letter Supporting Pipeline Project

What unites Democrats and Republicans from three states that signed a letter supporting the Atlantic Coast Pipeline? Hundreds of thousands in campaign money.

Going, Going, Gone

How can it be that as the evidence about climate change gets stronger, politicians like Trump seem to get more ignorant?

Protests Increase in Italy Against “Europe’s DAPL”

There is increasing outrage in Italy against what campaigners are calling “Europe’s DAPL”, with thousands of people taking to the streets to campaign against the 3,500 kilometre, $45 billion, Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline (ECMP).

Putin Denies Humans Cause Climate Change, “Endorses” Scott Pruitt

These are dangerous days for the climate. Not only do we have a climate denier in the White House, we have one in the Kremlin too.

Canada Takes First Step to Cut Fossil Fuel Handouts – Thanks to People Power

The clean energy picture got a little bit brighter in Canada last week, after the 2017 budget started chipping away at the $1.6 billion in federal subsidies to oil and gas companies each year.