
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Climate change is “world’s largest weapon of mass destruction”

For once the words of a politician were extremely bold and clear. The warning was brutally stark. In a keynote speech on climate change in Indonesia, Secretary of State, John Kerry, likened global warming to a weapon of mass destruction and dismissed climate sceptics as members of the “Flat Earth Society”.

The “Corporate Captured” COP

They say history never repeats itself, but a year ago at the United Nations climate talks in Doha, a typhoon hit the Philippines, killing hundreds of people and leaving an estimated quarter of million people homeless.

As scientists warn about climate change, Russia eyes up vast frack reserves

Whether the scientists or oilmen win the defining battle of our time – how and when to wean ourselves off fossil fuels - will shape what this world looks like for our children and grandchildren.

IPCC: Humans are Causing Climate Change

The most authoritative report on climate change ever compiled, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is set to be published this week. Expect a massive backlash from sceptics and deniers.

Climate Change Causing Spread of Crops Pests

New scientific report by researchers in the UK has concluded that climate change threatens global food security by spreading crop pests towards the Poles at around 3km every year.

The Pond at the Pole

Scientists have been warning for years that due to climate change the North Pole might soon be ice free in the summer, well, guess what, today there is a pond there.

Tar Sands and Potential Sea Level Rise

If Keystone is the key to the next phase of the development of the tar sands, it is key to unlocking carbon we cannot afford to burn.

80% of Fossil Fuels ‘Should Stay in the Ground’

Australia’s Climate Commission, the official body that advises the country’s government, has warned that 80 per cent of global fossil fuel reserves will have to stay in the ground, if we are to avoid dangerous climate change.

Latest pro-Keystone XL letter from Congress once again awash with oil money

Representatives that signed the latest pro-Keystone XL letter received roughly 250% more money from oil and gas interests compared to those Representatives who did not sign the letter.

The No-Spin Zone on Climate Change

Being a parent means you get to talk to kids to about climate change. Not your own kids, of course. With them, you’re lucky if you can deduce what homework they have each night.