
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

Sea Change: Climate Emergency, Jobs and Managing the Phase-Out of UK Oil and Gas Extraction

This new report reveals, for the first time, the climate impact of North Sea oil and gas extraction, and shows the way to a job-creating energy transition. To deal with the climate emergency, the UK needs to immediately stop approving new oil and gas drilling and redirect support to clean jobs and renewable energy.

Briefing: Atlantic Coast Pipeline – Risk Upon Risk

The ACP is facing a triple threat of challenges that combine to present serious obstacles for the project to reach completion, which are are likely to further delay construction and raise the project’s price tag even higher. It would be prudent for investors to question whether pursuing the project further is a wise use of capital.

Banking on Climate Change 2019: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card

This 10th annual "Banking on Climate Change" fossil fuel finance report card reveals that overall bank financing continues to be aligned with climate disaster, and that financing for fossil fuels has increased every year since the Paris Agreement was signed.

The International Energy Agency and the Paris Goals: QandA for Investors

Investors often use the WEO to assess energy investments. Contrary to the IEA’s claims, its ‘Sustainable Development Scenario’ (SDS) is not aligned with the Paris goals.

The Vanishing Need for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Diminishing consumer demand coupled with more affordable renewables are casting doubt on the overall feasibility and potential profitability of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

Drilling Towards Disaster: Why U.S. Oil and Gas Expansion Is Incompatible with Climate Limits

At precisely the time in which the world must begin rapidly decarbonizing to avoid runaway climate disaster, the United States is moving further and faster than any other country to expand oil and gas extraction.

Risking It All: How Export Development Canada’s Support for Fossil Fuels Drives Climate Change

This report reveals the disconnect between Canada’s promises on climate change and the actions of its official export credit agency, Export Development Canada (EDC), in propping up the oil and gas industry.

Korea’s Coal Finance: Polluting the World

The twin challenges of air pollution and climate change demand a rapid transition away from fossil fuels, and a particularly rapid phase-out of coal-fired power plants. Despite this, the Korean government continues to be among the biggest backers of coal-fired power plants around the world.

The African Development Bank and Energy Access Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa

A new analysis of the energy finance provided by the African Development Bank (AfDB) shows that while financing for clean energy access has increased since the bank's landmark New Deal on Energy for Africa, support for off-grid and mini-grid solutions — often the fastest and most affordable energy access solutions — must accelerate if Africa is to realize universal energy access by 2030.

Fact Check: IEA Climate Scenarios are not Aligned with Paris Goals

The IEA scenarios — including the Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS) — fall short of the Paris Agreement goals and therefore don’t actually answer the question investors are asking, namely: are companies prepared for a world that takes the Paris Agreement seriously? The SDS is not providing an effective stress test, nor a useful guide to how things may change.