Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

COP29 Presidency Must Prioritize A Fossil Fuel Phase-Out With Fair Financing

The COP Presidency is centering the new climate finance target, the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG), in this year’s UN climate talks. To deliver on last year's groundbreaking commitment to transition away from fossil fuels, rich countries must raise trillions of dollars to support climate action in developing countries. While the COP29 host recognizes the need for a significant financial increase, it fails to emphasize that it must be on fair terms to countries that need it most.

Switzerland breaks major climate promise on taxpayer finance

Switzerland is the first signatory of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) to water down its policy to end international public finance for fossil fuels. The country has now also surpassed the United States in providing the most international fossil fuel finance since the end of 2022 deadline passed, providing a total of almost $3.6 billion.

Switzerland breaks major climate promise on taxpayer finance

Switzerland is the first signatory of the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) to water down its policy to end international public finance for fossil fuels. The country has now also surpassed the United States in providing the most international fossil fuel finance since the end of 2022 deadline passed, providing a total of almost $3.6 billion.

Response to FERC granting its certificate for CP2 LNG

As the world's biggest expander of oil and gas, the U.S. has a responsibility to lead a global and just transition away from fossil fuels. President Biden has the authority he needs and more tools than he has used to end the era of fossil fuels. All he needs is the political will.

Japanese Support of CP2 LNG Export Terminal Fuels a Carbon Bomb

Projects like CP2 will never be built because of fierce opposition by frontline communities. But instead of taking note, Japanese financiers and companies are doubling down on support for US LNG which poses tremendous financial, social and environmental risks.

Oil Change International responds to IEA head singling out coal phasedown

“As the head of the IEA, Mr. Birol should know the time to focus only on coal as a climate culprit is over. We need a full, fast, fair, funded phase out of all fossil fuels. Setting such a low bar for ambition is out of touch and inequitable, keeping the door wide open for major oil and gas producers."

Solidarity with Kenya: Opposing IMF-Driven Financial Injustice

Kenya’s debt needs to be audited and any unjust debts and interests should be canceled. This would grant the country economic sovereignty, alleviate the heavy debt repayment burden on Kenyans, and give them a chance at a decent and equitable life. Rather than imposing steep austerity measures, the IMF should prioritize social and economic justice that promotes the well-being of the people.