OCI Response to Canadian climate target announcement
One has to look no further than what is not included in these targets — the tar sands — to understand where their priorities lie.
May 15, 2015
Contact: David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org
In response to the announcement from Canada’s Harper Government of their Intended Nationally Determined Contribution for greenhouse gas reductions ahead of UN climate talks in Paris, David Turnbull, Campaigns Director of Oil Change International released the following statement:
“Anyone who has paid attention to the Harper Government through the years should know better than to take them at their word on addressing climate change. One has to look no further than what is not included in these targets — the tar sands — to understand where their priorities lie. If Harper were half as concerned about climate as he is about unchecked development of the tar sands, the world would be a safer – and cooler – place.”