Press Release

Response to California Statewide Oil and Gas Setback Announcement 

“Gov. Newsom must step up his game — there is *no* safe distance at which oil and gas drilling is acceptable for the climate. California must ban all new oil and gas permits and phase out existing drilling with a just transition,” said Rees.


October 21, 2021

Collin Rees, [email protected]

Oil Change International Response to California Statewide Oil and Gas Setback Announcement 
Today, Governor Gavin Newsom of California announced a long-awaited draft health and safety rule recommending a mandated 3,200-foot distance between new oil and gas extraction sites and the homes, schools, and workplaces of California residents. The draft rule announced today would not ban wells already operating in that zone but would add new pollution controls.

For years, groups with the VISIÓN and Last Chance Alliance coalitions have been at the forefront of the movement to move California beyond fossil fuel, urging California’s leaders to enact supply-side policy reforms to end oil and gas extraction. In response, Collin Rees, U.S. Campaigns Manager at Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“A 3,200-foot buffer around oil and gas extraction is a critical win for communities living with drilling in their backyards who have been fighting for these protections for years. This rule should be implemented as quickly as possible, with no loopholes.

“But Governor Newsom must step up his game — there is *no* safe distance at which oil and gas drilling is acceptable for the climate. California must ban all new oil and gas permits, join the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance of states and nations committing to an end to extraction, and phase out existing drilling with a just transition.” 

Notes to Editors:

The full draft health and safety rule is available here:
A press release from the Voices in Solidarity against Oil in Neighborhoods (VISIÓN) coalition is available here:
A press release from the Last Chance Alliance is available here: