Reaction: Ways & Means draft legislation omits crucial fossil fuel subsidy removal provisions
“We urge Congress to end fossil fuel subsidies, and we expect Leader Schumer and Chairman Wyden to stand by their promises to end dirty subsidies to oil, gas, and coal,” said Collin Rees of Oil Change.
September 13, 2021
Collin Rees, [email protected]
Oil Change International reaction: Ways & Means draft legislation omits crucial fossil fuel subsidy removal provisions
Today, the House Ways and Means Committee released an outline of proposed revenue-raising legislation for the Build Back Better Act. The draft text contains various tax reforms to fund President Joe Biden’s priorities and would end key international tax breaks for fossil fuel companies, but neglects crucial provisions to end fossil fuel subsidies in the domestic tax code.
In response to today’s draft legislation, Collin Rees, U.S. Campaigns Manager at Oil Change International, released the following statement:
“This legislation represents our best chance in decades to end billions in deadly public giveaways to fossil fuel corporations, and Congress must act immediately to remove fossil fuel subsidies. Ending subsidies is an essential component of meaningful climate action and enormously popular with voters.
“Big Oil and Gas has lied about climate science, driven the climate crisis with drilling and pollution, and blocked climate solutions for decades. Omitting provisions to end fossil fuel subsidies — some of which have been in place for over 100 years — is inexcusable.
“The disappearance of subsidy removal in the draft bill is an egregious example of fossil fuel lobbyists meddling with our democracy. While millions suffer from climate impacts, our legislation is too often written to benefit a handful of special interests. We urge representatives to legislate for our future, not for the profits of Big Oil and Gas executives.
“Ending public subsidies to fossil fuel companies has been a top stated priority for President Biden and top Senate leadership. It’s tragically ironic that President Biden Tweeted today about making oil companies pay their fair share in taxes, when the draft bill fails to live up to that promise. We urge Congress to end fossil fuel subsidies, and we expect Leader Schumer and Chairman Wyden to stand by their promises to end dirty subsidies to oil, gas, and coal.”
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