RELEASE: Oil Change International responds to Trump nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
In response, Lorne Stockman, Senior Research Analyst at Oil Change International released the following statement:
May 9, 2017
Lorne Stockman, lorne [at], (540) 679-1097
David Turnbull, david [at], 202-316-3499
Oil Change International responds to Trump nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Today, news reports indicate the Donald Trump Administration will nominate Neil Chatterjee and Robert Powelson to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In response, Lorne Stockman, Senior Research Analyst at Oil Change International released the following statement:
“Trump has clearly chosen FERC nominees who will double down on the agency’s utter disregard for the climate, energy consumers, and the communities most impacted by gas pipelines. Powelson has accused Americans working to protect their land, water, air, climate and property rights from aggressive gas pipeline development of engaging in a ‘jihad.’ He ignores the impacts of gas development by hiding behind the debunked myth that gas is cleaner than coal. As Sen. McConnell’s right-hand man, Chatterjee is a political appointee who can be counted on to perpetuate the GOP assault on climate and communities.
“We join a coalition of 160 local, state, regional and national groups in calling on the Senate to reject both nominees and focus on long-overdue reform at FERC. We need commissioners who will put communities and the climate first. FERC’s newest members will face a slew of decisions on gas infrastructure that threaten to lock in climate chaos for generations to come. Each new pipeline increases the supply of gas that we cannot afford to burn, and forces consumers to foot the bill for infrastructure we simply do not need.
“The background and statements of these nominees do not indicate that such reform will be on their agenda. Senators should defend energy consumers and the climate by rejecting these nominees.”